Tuesday, May 22, 2007

how to dance the basics

`````The basics in the north Indian classical dance I do, kathak, is 1 footwork step. It is not even very tough, you just got to stay focused and practice at any time you can possibly practice. After you learn this step, all the complicated steps get easier. This piece of footwork is the root of all the other kathak steps you will ever learn. After you discover the step Thatkar, the rest of kathak is the a very simple dance. Thatkar will even help you keep the beat of a 16 cycle rhythm, Teentaal.
`````How to learn Thatkar while standing in the lunch line. Today I will teach you how the footwork to Thatkar goes. Personally I think starting out slow is better so you cannot make as many mistakes. You legs have to be strong and not weak because you can't stop until the 16 beet cycle, Teentall isn't over completely. There won't be any shoes worn so you have to set your flat foot to the ground without getting hurt.
`````First, you have to learn how many movements before you stop. Thatkar is a repetition twice of 1-2-3-4 and again 1-2-3-4. Though it is not stomping your feet one after another. It is right- left-right- left and again but starting where you ended, left- right -left -right. When got the hang go faster. Instead of taking 2 full beats take 1.
`````Once you got the hang of step, right-left-right-left, left-right-left-right, right-left-right-left and so on. Focus on the beat of the music which is the beats Teentall. Which goes 1 2 3 4 rest 5 6 7 8 rest 9 10 11 12 rest 13 14 15 16. The beat is extremely slow, so don't worry. You have to count out the beets once completely and then begin on 9Th beet. So you cannot stop counting or you will lose your place. I lightly hit my toe to the ground to keep the beet. The beat is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 right on the 9Th beat begin, you'll have to be ready a 9 because if you don't start at 9 it throws the other dancers off.
`````Next all you have to learn is how to show you expressions while learning how to do Thatkar. In Kathak it is very crucial at every moment to be showing your facial expressions. Kathak is all about how you feel inside while you are dancing. So as you've repeated the cycle at least twice start using your face. When it is a soft melody and your feet hit the ground gently have a huge smile with the teeth showing and your eyes wider than bowling balls. As the music gets louder and the feet start stomping put on a mad, bunched up face with the eyebrows arched in so they together give the angry look. When you are at a steady pace just smile and show how proud you are of yourself. While you are learning this step smile feel happy.

~ Enjoy the experience