Monday, June 4, 2007

Dancing "Goodbye"

Dancing now comes to an end until the leaves on the trees become orange, and the weather is chilly while your parents rake up the leaves- the beautiful season of Fall. It isn't fair the time that I can be dancing I have to play soccer or watch my little brother. But everywhere people are going on vacations, and sadly can't dance.

"Ugh, isn't there any thing exciting to do." Then when I was reading Arthur the big Volcano to my brother the phone rings, "dring, dring." As I pickup the phone my little brother starts balling like there is no tomorrow, so i put down the phone in frustration to calm my little brother. It was all a scheme from my 2 year old brother to stay by his side the whole day because the phone goes down and suddenly he has stopped. This time when the phone rings I pick it up in the other room for my him not to see.

"Hello" I say as the yellow phone has reached my ear.
"HI"greets Leha from the other side of the line, my dance partner.
"Guess what I just heard from mom, Ms. Dish has died yesterday in a car accident"
I fall to the ground in shock still holding the phone to my ear "What"
"Yes it is true" she reply.
"I can never dance again"
"Why?" she asks slowly.
"Ms. Dish was a huge part of me, she was the one that influenced me to dance"
"Oh, bye" Leha says as she hangs up.

The rest of the day I had tears coming from my eyes. Then I finally made my final decision and told my mom "I am never ever dancing"

1 comment:

The Dancing Writer said...

Madhu! I really like your blog! Keep writing!

Love, Meenakshi